Monday, 26 August 2013

"I've been modelling in Russia for 8 years"

After a fashion-less summer I finally started my first week as an intern at Leni's models management in Hatton Gardens. Working for a model agency in the future would be amazing so I jumped at the opportunity of two weeks work experience.

Monday morning I was a mixture of nerves and excitement. I managed to survive the manic train to London (I even got a seat!) and by some miracle got on all of the right tubes. Upon arrival I couldn't figure out what floor the office was on, so Laure had to come and find me - not the best first impression!

Monday's tasks:
  • Research who has Polaroids and videos of their "walk" on their online profiles.
  • Take Polaroids and videos of the girl who didn't. This made me more aware of "awkward" angles when the girls did their "walk" and how important it was show the girls doing different angles and positions in their Polaroids.
  • Call photographers and fashion brands to organise go-sees and send packages containing pictures of models - this is something all model bookers do.

Tuesdays Tasks:
  • Sort out the model board - every agent has a large board full of every models headshot. My job was to take down all of the models they no longer represented and put up the new girls.
  • All the girls had to put up neatly and in alphabetical order.
  • Go on a tea, sugar and milk run to Sainsburys - this is the type of task I was expecting more of.

(Like an absolute fan girl, I had to go visit Leicester Square where the One Direction "This Is Us" premiere was. I couldn't see anything due to the area being blocked off by blacked out fences but it was crazy. I've never seen so many girls, police, security, TV crews and helicopters in my life! Here's the only photo I could get)

Wednesday's Tasks:
  • Organise their contact database and google alerts - I love how proud the guys are of their models. When new photos come in, everyone would get up to have a look and compliment.
  • Research potential  bloggers to invite to a Leni's event  
Being a blogger myself (obviously) I enjoyed researching and looking at other blogs with a lot of potential. Made me realise again how much talent is out there.

I was given my own scouting cards to use in case I saw someone with "it"!

Thursdays Tasks:
  • Add skills to all the models profiles - my favourite skill was a cooking diploma with the intention to set up a cupcake shop!
  • Look for potential sponsors for another Leni's event
  • The office got really busy when loads of models came in for booking. There were stilettos and never ending legs everywhere! I preparred new pictures for the girls to add to their portfolio.
During my lunch break me and Lizzy bonded over our love of Kelly Cutrone and how she is our role model. Matt later joined in our conversation on whether you are a Lauren - put your love life first - or a Whitney - put Conde Nast first. I'm Team Whitney all the way!

Friday Tasks:
  • I was asked to go to a photgrapghy studio in Shoreditch. I'd never been to that part of London before and got SO lost! To get to the studio you had to go under a bridge, through a bar, through a wooden door and then knock on what looks like an emergency exit - impossible! on the plus side I did get to see an amazing part area and brilliant artwork.
  • Afterwards I was sent to Oxford Street to run some errands. Oxford Street is of course one of my favourite places to go to London. I was so proud that I didnt spend any money! 
  • I went back again when me, Matt and Jen went scouting. I felt like I'd made it or something scouting for girls in Topshop and the rest. I didnt realise how difficult was to find a girl who has "it".
We finished the day/week off by going for drinks at a pub just off Oxford Street. 

All in all I had a great first week and so excited to get into the fashion industry more. I'll let you know about this weeks adventures this weekend.

Xx - Laura.


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